When I read the email [about his friend Kara--who was recently in a serious car accident] from dad it scared me a lot and made me kinda sick to my stomach. But I've been silently praying for her all day and feel a little better and comforted. I would appreciate updates tho. I think if i didn't know, it would distract me more. I will be sure to be fasting for her and praying for her. Tenga fe y todo va ser bien. I am sure she will pull thru and be fine. Shes one of the strongest girls I know and I cant imagine her mission in this world being over yet. She just has too much to offer. So send her my love and have faith. Send her family my love too.
As for this past week, it was way crazy. Tuesday and Wed it was way cold and rainy, so that made the work kinda hard. Every contact and almost every appointment we had cancelled or just said it was too cold and rainy, so that wasn't much of a welcome for my new companion to Ezeiza. But the Lord always blesses us for our works. The next couple days have been great. We did pretty good number wise this past week. It was exhausting but really rather fun because we have been having spiritual experiences and success and everything. We have been visiting this lady named Christina who really wants to get baptised but is living with the father of her baby and feels cant leave because she doesn't have anywhere to go. Its been almost a year since the missionaries found her, tried finding her another house and tried teaching the guy so they could get married. But he never wanted anything to do with us cuz he has his church that he goes to. Anyway this past week we went by and he stayed at the table as we taught and we had a discussion that lasted for about a half hour. It was pretty cool watching his walls break down and agree to start listening to the discussions and come to our church because he realizes he has just been stubborn. Now he realizes he could have an eternal family, so I'm way excited to go back this Wed and see how things are going with him.
On another note, Rosa is slowly quiting smoking. She's down to 2 cigs a day which is way good considering she smoked like packs a day for 30 years. She now wants to mend broken bridges with her only son and wants him to come to her baptism and then listen to the discussions. So its been way good over here. I'm excited and looking forward to this next week. Our schedule is already almost full and the week just started :) Its good stuff.
As for my companion, it was a difficult first couple days because i could not understand him. You know those people who speak softly and mumble and don't pronounce the last half of words? Well that's pretty much him. Ha! So it was kinda difficult the first couple days and it made me feel kinda stupid or discouraged because I was like, "Dang it, I've been out for a year and still I don't understand????!!!!!!!! But when some of the members didn't understand him either it made me feel a whole lot better. Other than that hes a way great kid-- convert about a year and a half ago and already on a mission. Hes the only member in his family and loves singing. Before the mission working out in the gym... ha! Other than that, he pretty much just has a love for cars and the gospel, so its great stuff. I'm enjoying my 2nd latin. Hes from ViƱa del Mar Quinta Region Chile. Way good stuff.
We were visiting this inactive family this past week and they were telling us all their problems, and it just strengthened my testimony of staying in the church. Heavenly father is waiting to bless us, if we are living up to our end he will live up to his and bless us in his time D&C 82:10. God lives! This much i am sure of and that he loves us.
Love you all
elder schupple
P.S.... good job mom on working with the missionaries muy bien hecho.