Ahhh I'm sorry this is going to be a shorter letter and ya I'm trying to send pics thru this but it looks like it only allows one at a time so ill send a couple and i sent one to Brit so ask her for that one. These pics are of this place we ate at today, it was the nicest and most expensive place I've eaten at so far and ya the food was really good except that i had cow intestines. It was terrible it took like ten mins to chew and had creamy stuff inside i
thought i was going to throw up so that was a bummer.

But now i can say I've eaten cow intestines. I had the opportunity to have blood sausage too but decided against it cuz I was still a little woozy from eating the cow intestines. The other pics are of this kid who thinks hes a dinosaur and goes "rrror" all day so I started doing it back so now he loves me and out of the blue he just says why are you doing this too? I was like uh because I'm a dinosaur. I guess he liked that answer cuz after that he just got way intense and kept doing his thing. The last ones are of this inactive family's crazy lizard. Hope you get them all. Ya I got your packages. They were a little rat eaten
but hey no big deal. I got them on Friday and they are both almost gone. Ha the other elders in my apartment went crazy when they saw it and I've given a lot of it away. Ha the war heads are fun to give to the kids here. Their faces are great. I have one left and want to get one of them on camera. In other news the investigators have been coming along wonderfully. We decided to move Maria and her son Alan baptisms back until their husband/dad comes back after Christmas. So we are gonna try to baptize him right after them. Estella was pushed back cuz she has work everyday so its hard to teach her but they come to church so todo bien and we have another family that we found that we are going to be taking out fechas (baptism commitments) with this next week so :) Ya everything is going great here.

Holy freak Brad! When I heard that hes actually pursuing I almost fell out of my chair and wow! Ha congrats I guess. Suerte good luck.
I've learned a lot from my new comp, like how I'm in one of the richest areas there is here. He was telling me about his last area, where the members and people had houses made from pieces of wood and garbage bags. Th other elders I came out with from the MTC say they have cockroaches in their pinches (apartments). So I am way grateful for my blessings. And good news your prayers have helped so much. The hemorrhoids are gone! So thanks everyone so much. Love,
Elder Schupple