Sounds like she [the Chinese house guest] was a blast. I'm glad you got that opportunity. Wow Dackota's is going into the MTC? That's so crazy! Get his email address for me and ask aunt Micki why she hasn't emailed me back. I'm sorry to hear about the car [needing new parts] and the slippery roads. That's really sad to hear about grandma but hey your gunna have a lot of fun and company over Christmas. Yes its true we aren't allowed to go out Christmas day and Christmas eve. We have to be in way early like at noon or something. So it'll be an interesting Christmas. OK now for what happened this past week: First off there was this huge storm. We had just left a lesson and these mean looking clouds came in and then the wind started picking up and then the rain. Well we were protected because while we were walking there was this big metal door to a garage that was propped open. Just as I walked around it the wind slammed it shut. I'm convinced we were being watched over [because it could've hit me very easily] Well after that the rain really started coming down and we couldn't even see where we were walking. But we had a sita [lesson] to go to so we just followed the road. The roads started flooding and we were getting really wet :) It was crazy.

We went out with our stake patriarch the other day and he was telling us stories of his life. Guess who he met and said was a very nice guy? :) Fidel Castro! Ha! Ya I didn't believe him at first but now I think I do. He also helped design a temple in Mexico. Ya this guy has been around. The pic is of our service project. We helped paint a school. But the paint was so watered down we had to go over it like 5 times and then we decided to paint our faces. The other pic is what people do with their trash here. When there's enough of it they burn it. It smells gross!

This is the last week before transfers and I cant believe how fast this transfer time went. Oh and the charger for the ipod works great! Thanks again mom.
Love you all and hope all is well. I'm praying for ya'll.
love elder schupple
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