Wow sounds like a crazy week. OK first of all I am at the train station in a different area waiting for the trains to get fixed. The computer I am using is very expensive so I wont be here for long but when I get back to my area I'll be sure to send pics from this past week. If you happen to get this email before the next one with pics could you send me 2 recipes of American food and one recipe of a cake, just chocolate will be fine. We are having a international food missionary experiment that our bishop wants to do. So ya something other than pizza, hamburgers and regular stuff would be good cuz they have all the regular stuff. So ya I couldn't think of what to make. Thanks....oh and fluffy pancakes if you could :)
So this past week was pretty crazy for me too. Had some good stuff and bad stuff. First of all I went on exchanges with the zone leaders this past week and when we got to our lunch appointment, the lady feeding us was really shaken up and looked really worried. So we asked her what was wrong and she started telling us the story of her morning. Turns out she got a call from her sister that morning telling her that the night before her x-husband beat her and raped her, and at that moment she was trapped in the house with her x-husband cuz he wouldn't let her go. She wouldn't call the police cuz she was too scared. So when her nephew and boyfriend found out about this they were both furious with good reason, and both grabbed ¨big guns¨ and went to kill the x-husband. The sister who received the call, called the nephew and boyfriend and told them she escaped and went to the coast which is like 3 hours away. So instead of going to the house where the lady was trapped they headed to the coast. Which was smart cuz the boyfriend has a baptismal date and if he killed this guy that could cause some serious problems with the law and with the baptism. So we offered our help but there was nothing we could really do. So we left. We called back that night and it turns out she escaped and was with the police and lawyers. So that was a pretty crazy lunch appointment. In better news, Luis is awesome. The first week he went to church the gospel doctrine topic in class was the word of wisdom. This past week a talk was given on the same thing (we haven't taught the word of wisdom yet) so i was kinda nervous. That night we talked to him and he said that the week before he quit smoking (BY HIMSELF!) He is so awesome! We just have to get his papers from Paraguay so we can marry him and his live in girl friend Samantha and then get him baptized.
So do you remember that sweet villa? Well someone got shot and killed the other day right across the street from a couple of our investigators. So the next day we had an appointment with those investigators and we were a little hesitant at first but we figured there were people who wanted to hear our message so we went anyway. There were a lot of cops and everything so it was ok.
love you all elder schupple
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