First of all holy beard Brad! [His brother Brad is growing a beard for our Stake's Christmas Musical pageant--he is a wise man] Second, nice pics! Thats so awesome that you guys got to go to visit Aunt Bobette and Uncle Mike in Virginia. As for down here in Argentina we had a really normal week. For some reason nothing special happened.
Well lets start from the beginning, First of all I am with Elder Acuña and we get along really well. We have gotten to know each other really well because the members here never feed us, so he cooks lunch every day and we talk, then I do the dishes :) So ya. Um que mas...We are on bikes and the bikes are way old without gears and have old fashion back breaks. Ha! We are always having to put the chains back on cuz they always fall off. It also rained cats and dogs over here this past week. I think that's what made the work go so slow, so we tried to have some fun in the rain one day and had some bike races in the mud (we were already dirty because of the dirt/mud roads) so we just went crazy with that and doing fun contacts. So that night we got back to the pinch and I was calling the district like I always do at night as DL (District Leader) and one of the elders after our conversation said, O ya and Happy Thanksgiving. I had totally forgotten it was Thanksgiving that day, so Elder Acuña and I had some vegetables for dinner and said one thing we were thankful for. Then on Sunday it was just storming like crazy which made the assistance in church (people in church) a grand 24 members plus us, and zero investigators... so that was pretty much the first week... kinda boring, not much going for us. But we are not discouraged I can just feel there are tons of people waiting for us to clap their house. But its a nice area with a lot of dirt roads. Time is absolutely flying its crazy. I cant think of anything else to write, ask me some questions :) sorry its so short I'm just kinda tired and cant think of anything else.
Well lets start from the beginning, First of all I am with Elder Acuña and we get along really well. We have gotten to know each other really well because the members here never feed us, so he cooks lunch every day and we talk, then I do the dishes :) So ya. Um que mas...We are on bikes and the bikes are way old without gears and have old fashion back breaks. Ha! We are always having to put the chains back on cuz they always fall off. It also rained cats and dogs over here this past week. I think that's what made the work go so slow, so we tried to have some fun in the rain one day and had some bike races in the mud (we were already dirty because of the dirt/mud roads) so we just went crazy with that and doing fun contacts. So that night we got back to the pinch and I was calling the district like I always do at night as DL (District Leader) and one of the elders after our conversation said, O ya and Happy Thanksgiving. I had totally forgotten it was Thanksgiving that day, so Elder Acuña and I had some vegetables for dinner and said one thing we were thankful for. Then on Sunday it was just storming like crazy which made the assistance in church (people in church) a grand 24 members plus us, and zero investigators... so that was pretty much the first week... kinda boring, not much going for us. But we are not discouraged I can just feel there are tons of people waiting for us to clap their house. But its a nice area with a lot of dirt roads. Time is absolutely flying its crazy. I cant think of anything else to write, ask me some questions :) sorry its so short I'm just kinda tired and cant think of anything else.