O my goodness, so Natalie's ok? Gosh that is a crazy story and I didnt really pay attention to the medical side of the letter but wow im glad shes ok. [Austin's sister Natalie went in on Saturday night for an emergency operation due to an ectopic pregnancy: the fertilized egg attaching to the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. We all are sooooo sad that she lost her little one, but are very grateful she is ok. In happy news the doctor said that all of Natalie's organs look very healthy and she can still look forward to getting pregnant in the future. She is now home recuperating] Special prayers for Sessions family this week.
Maria is the lady I did that contact with and I felt a love for her and her son that felt like family. As it turned out this week, I didn't get to see her but I did see a couple other youth and families that remembered me. So it was unfortunate I did not get to see her or Alan. They are both very active and she is preparing to go to the temple :) Hopefully next transfer ill get to go over there again, but we´ll see i guess. I am very sorry to tell you that I took pics this week but the computer I am on refuses to accept my camera. However I am preparing to send a package home with all the pics or almost all of my pics as soon as I can find the temporarily misplaced memory card that has all the pics. Ha! So ill look for that then get it to you.
While I was in Ezpeleta this past week I had an interesting experience one night. I was sleeping having a good dream until I woke up to a very large cockroach straddling my lip and touching my nose. I woke up because he kept touching my nose. I instantly grabbed it and threw it across the room and heard a thud where he hit. I had mixed feelings of anger, nausia and tiredness. The anger told me to get out of bed and burn the jerk, the grossed out feelings made me pull the covers over my head and the tiredness told me to go back to sleep, so I pulled my covers over my head and went back to sleep... after about 10 mins of being grossed out. Later that night at like 3 in the morning my zone leader woke me up talking to me as he was starting to get dressed. I was so confused and just told him to go back to sleep. Ha! So ya that was one of the more interesting nights during exchanges Ive been on.
Oh we also baptized a man named Raimundo who is 53 and who just came out of a coma. He couldn't really bend backwards cuz he was still very weak from being in his coma and he has very large scabs from bedsores because the nurses didn't move him the entire time he was in the coma. So he woke up and his skin pretty much peeled off with the sheet. So ya it was interesting. Both Elder Palmer and I were dressed in white. He did the baptism and I helped him go down and up. He doesn't walk well either so when we got to the bathroom he fell. O my gosh, I was so scared his scabs would open up and blood would start going everywhere. Luckily he was OK. He was hurting but not much else happened. We were very grateful for many blessings that day.

So ya that's pretty much what happened this week. I am very tired. Elder Palmer is working me hard.
Your all in my prayers give my love to Nat.
elder schupple