That is crazy Christian Austin is home already! These past 2 years have really been flying. Im really happy to hear that my package got there. I was so nervous it wasnt going to arrive, and wow I thought I had
bought little jerseys but they look huge on the girls but still adorable, so thats good. And those pics of them pointing to Argentina made me so happy. As for school either one--UVU or LDS Business College-- sound good to me. I'm just glad I'll have some time to be with the fam before I start school. Oh mom could you tell Steve Branham to give me his address at school so I can send him a letter please. The pics of St George look nice and dry with a lot of red rock. Elder Palmer has been telling me a lot about Utah and how in St George there's a lot of red rock. I dont remember anything about it over there. So will I be flying into Chicago or Utah?

As for this past week, a lot happened, first we had to go down town Buenos Aires so Elder Palmer could do his documents, but it was during district meeting so we were trying to hurry back so I could do the dist meeting which didnt end up happening... but o well, the zone leaders did it for me so it turned out to be ok. On Tuesday I woke up with a little bit of a head ache but we still went out to work. We ate lunch and after that I layed down cuz my head was killing me and when I woke up I felt sick. I had a 102 temp so I took a tylenol that they have for us in the appt and tried sleeping while Elder Palmer went out with a member to our citas. Well it was pretty bad so I took another tylenol and then realized that they put a whole lot more punch in their pills here than we do in ours-- instead of putting 200 ml in each one like we do in the states they put in 500 ml and ya I took 2. So I started getting kinda loopy and couldn't really sleep and when I did sleep I had weird dreams. It was a long 24 hrs for me. The next day I had a leaders meeting and I had to to no matter what. So the next morning came and I still felt a little weird but got up and went to my meetings and felt ok by the end of the day. So that was an interesting way to start off my week. Oh, after we got back from the capitol and raced to the district meeting, they had pretty much finished and were about to go to lunch, so we were on our way with everyone and guess who stopped me?.... Yup Maria from Ezpeleta! (which is next to Quilmes...my first area :) She was waiting for a bus and saw me so she stopped me and said in English (just in case I was still having issues with the language) ¨Do you remember me?¨ So that was amazing and I finally got a pic of her. Her husband is coming back from the states to visit again and she is planning on him getting baptized. So ya it was just a very cool reunion. It made me very happy.
Today was another crazy day. It was Preparation day and so I made some plans to play soccer and ping pong with a bunch of elders in the church right next to our area. So we were all having a great time, until it started raining really hard while we were playing soccer. Nobody wanted to stop and what made it worse, we were playing on very wet and rainy grass. It was way fun until Elder Nalder and Elder Wanless ran into each other and Elder Nalder broke his ankle. Hes in my district and now we are all really worried about him and hope he doesnt have to go home. So ya pretty much that is what has been happening in a week. Hope all is well with everyone at home.
P.S. This past transfer Elder Palmer and I were the 2nd highest baptizers and lesson teachers so we are just cruising along inspite of everything.
Thanks for the email and letters,
love you so much
P.S. This past transfer Elder Palmer and I were the 2nd highest baptizers and lesson teachers so we are just cruising along inspite of everything.
Thanks for the email and letters,
love you so much
elder schupple