So transfer came and I am now in Ezeiza or something like that with Elder Jensen. He's a way cool kid that I knew from my first 2 transfers. So that was kinda ironic. Hey I had a whole bunch of pictures that I took this past week that I was ready to send. But guess what happened? One of our investigators accidentally deleted them all. Not only the ones that I took this past week but from my entire mission! All 400. So that was kind of a bummer. I was trying not to act upset while I was with them but it is a bummer cuz I had a bunch of pics on that card. Oh well I'll just have to take more this next week and the rest of my mission. Ha! There were pics of the 3 girls that we baptized, but those got deleted too. Ha surprise! We had baptisms this past week but now I wont get to appreciate the memories of them in pictures. Oh well. I'll just have to baptize more.
Hey sounds like fun stuff at home. Jackie's bday sounds like it'll be the best kind of bday-- preaching the word of god with the missionaries to a friend;) Shes such a great sister. I'm so proud of my family. I seriously have realized the blessing my family is to me and looking at the pictures of the fam just makes me so happy. It's definitely one of the best parts of this gospel --an eternal family.
Ya mom isn't Hermana Asay so great? I really lucked out with my mission president and wife. Shes so sweet. Whenever any of the elders have problems they just call her and man i feel so sorry for her cuz some elders have some really sick problems-- like hemorrhoids and other things. She just always is so sweet. President Asay really got a great wife. Def the better part of him, and hes amazing so ya, shes awesome. Hopefully I'll be as lucky as him some day. But that day isn't for at least a year and a couple months ;)
Anyway hey some good news: When I came to Argentina I weighed in at 92 kilos (202 pounds) and now yesterday I weighed in at 84 kilos (184 pounds) :) So that's good.
Some not so good news was that email chatting is against the rules. A lot of elders do it but I asked and its a no.... so sorry about that. It was fun while it lasted but tengo que ser obediente. I hope all is well at home! I'm way excited to call and hear ya'll :)
te amo
elder schupple
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
8 new investigators!

Ya I am way excited to talk to the family [on Mothers Day]. Last night I started thinking about talking to you all and got waaaayyyyy excited, a little trunky but ya I'm way excited! Shirts-- I think 16 should be good and pants I'm not really sure, 38 or 36. Sorry about last time and the bill I racked up for dad trying to connect phones with us at Christmas. This time I'm just going buy a phone card so don't worry. I'll do the work... or at least try ;)
This last week was a lot better than last week. We found 8 new investigators and the members are finally starting to go with us to teach our investigators. So ya it was worlds better. The only thing that didn't improve was Luis and Samantha. Luis didn't come to church this past Sunday and Samantha is being soooo stubborn. But the brother of Samantha (Leandro) is doing great we have a kinda fecha (lesson) with him. Oh, Jackie you can probably expect an email from him cuz he saw your picture and I told him it was your bday soon, so now he wants to wish you a happy bday. I think he likes you and I'm OK with that because hes a great kid and he's way out here in Argentina. I'll get a pic of them this next week. So ya good stuff. One bad thing is that I woke up with a crazy cold this morning and so I don't feel very good but that's OK I'll get better and all will be good. Speaking of sickness, apparently there is an outbreak of dengue fever or something like that. Apparently the mosquitoes are passing it around but luckily winter is coming so its all good.
Elder Schupple
Hi dad! Dont worry about how many emails I get. I always love emails from dad. I got an email from Brian Rosko today and Brad but not Jackie tell her grrr. Its really ok about the calling card. I'm going to buy the 3 dollar card anyway cuz I'm scared the same problems will happen like last time.
And btw yes please send a card with the girls on it. I would love that.So hows the weather over there? Today is the first cold day we have had and now I have a cold ha!
Yes please send both long sleeve and short sleeve shirts because all my short sleeves are huge on me. I'm going give them to elder jones because hes lost a lot of weight.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Slow week/ Luis needs papers from Paraguay
Ha! O my goodness those anniversary pics are so funny! I wish I could have been there. OK this computer is making me really mad cuz this is the 3rd time iv written this letter and it keeps exiting out. GRRRR!!!! Anyway this week was way slow and kind of a bummer of a week. First off one of our best investigators dropped us. Remember a few weeks ago when we went to pick up Luis and fam? Well when they didn't come this girl Natalia showed up in church and she was golden. We were cruising toward her baptismal date until we got a message this week saying she doesn't want to hear our lessons anymore. So that made the week start off a little slow. Then another one of our golden investigators wont come to church, so now we have to move his baptism back a couple weeks. So ya it was just kind of a slow week. However one blessing we still have is Luis. Ha! He got the law of consecration this week in church. Poor guy is learning all the intense stuff first. No but hes awesome and we are trying to get his papers from Paraguay so he can be legal, marry his girl friend and be able to be baptized. Its difficult and we are not having much success. So if you all could pray for those papers we would be really grateful. I'm glad everything at home is good. Sorry this is a short letter.
Elder Schupple
Elder Schupple
Monday, April 6, 2009
Baptism/ Luis stands against opposition / Conference
Wow sounds like everything is great over there in Chicago. This past week was really great first off because Maria´s (the convert in Quilmes) son is getting baptized so that just made the beginning of the week great to know that family is growing closer to being a celestial family. Next we had a great week preaching about conference and we were blessed because of our efforts. Almost the entire family of Luis came except his wife. So that was a bummer. But the good thing was that she prayed the last time we were over there. Something that was interesting was that Luis and Leandro his brother in law received a little bit of opposition for coming to our church. The way they described it was incredible what there friends were saying and then how they defended the book of Mormon and how they felt more peace in our church than any other place. It was something amazing for me. I just wanted to give them a hug after hearing that. So that was way cool. Another thing that started this week off great was as a zone we went to the temple and it was so great. I got a lot out of it and ya. Also how great was this last conference! I think I got more out of this past session than I ever have in all my life. Elder Eyrings talk was absolutely amazing. I don't remember crying so much in one conference. I think I cried like every talk but man it was so great. I think the prophet and apostles were trying to tell us that something difficult is coming and we need to prepare spiritually. The 2 main things i got out of the sessions were stay strong in the church, have faith that everything will be ok, be obedient, live worthily to receive the blessings heavenly father has for you, and when your having troubles with stuff go serve someone. The other thing was that we need to go to the temple more. In Chicago there is a temple very close. I pray that everyone that can go is going. I pray we are being obedient and living so Heavenly Father can bless us. Count your blessings, the virtual tour of your house in your mind is way cool. When I did it this is was I pictured: it was clean, the spirit was there and everyone was happy but then there was a little contention.
I love you all
elder schupple
I love you all
elder schupple
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