Ahhh! I have soo much i want to write and so little time. Ok first of all conference was seriously amazing. I absolutely loved President Eyrings talk the first session (im not sure if you guys went but it would be a really great thing to read for FHE... also Bednars. I just heard both of these talks and thought about the fam. I dont know why but this conference made me think so much of the family. So ya maybe ya'll could read or listen to those talks and see how we are doing with the topics. Another thing that I wrote down was a question of how we are doing with our callings and if we are going to the temple enough. So many times its easy to just kinda ignore both of those things but I can testify that both of those things will bring soo many blessings to our lives.
I'll have to just leave it there for conference. This past week we were walking down the streets and we saw this inactive member walking with her kids so we stopped them and said hi and made an appointment to go by, but before we left the little girl pulled me aside and said, "Elder Schupple I dont know if this is bad or not but the other day my mom was really stressed and she smoked a cigarette." I love little kids. This girl is 9. I love how she was caring for her mom by tattling on her. Sometimes we need a tattling so we can recieve a little kick to repent. We did exchanges this past week and I went to another area with Elder Rice. When I got back Elder Calderon informed me that when they were at Marias house she told him that her younger brother might have diabetes and then she went to the doctor cuz she wasnt feeling very good either and it turns out she has something on her heart. Satan is doing his job by testing their faith right after their baptisms. We are going to go by and teach a little about priesthood and blessings this coming week then fast for a day then give the blessing. I dont know what it is but the past couple weeks I have been thinking a lot about priesthood and for some reason my faith has been strengthened a lot. So I'm kind of excited for this upcoming blessing.
In other news we are teaching the old couple we found the other week and they are progressing very nicely. Pablo came to conference and really liked it. So ya we are way excited for them.
OHHH!!!! I forgot to tell you, im staying in Ezeiza! President told me in interviews that hes going to split Ezeiza and send 2 more elders. So Elder Calderon and I are both staying; I'll get the north half and he will get the south half (the part with almost all our investigators, but thats ok...Ezeiza is so great we will find a bunch more in no time). We will be living in the same apartment which isnt exactly big but we have four beds so we are all going to be here. This is what president's main concern with spliting the area: 4 elders in an apartment can be hard with obedience and feeling the spirit, but I'm positive we will do great. I'm just worried about keeping it clean.
So ya hope you like the pics....there is lots of soccer from elder rices camera and then today from mine. I'll try to get more pics in white shirt and tie but I just always forget to take pics. I'll get better with that.
Love you guys so much
Elder Schupple
I'll have to just leave it there for conference. This past week we were walking down the streets and we saw this inactive member walking with her kids so we stopped them and said hi and made an appointment to go by, but before we left the little girl pulled me aside and said, "Elder Schupple I dont know if this is bad or not but the other day my mom was really stressed and she smoked a cigarette." I love little kids. This girl is 9. I love how she was caring for her mom by tattling on her. Sometimes we need a tattling so we can recieve a little kick to repent. We did exchanges this past week and I went to another area with Elder Rice. When I got back Elder Calderon informed me that when they were at Marias house she told him that her younger brother might have diabetes and then she went to the doctor cuz she wasnt feeling very good either and it turns out she has something on her heart. Satan is doing his job by testing their faith right after their baptisms. We are going to go by and teach a little about priesthood and blessings this coming week then fast for a day then give the blessing. I dont know what it is but the past couple weeks I have been thinking a lot about priesthood and for some reason my faith has been strengthened a lot. So I'm kind of excited for this upcoming blessing.
In other news we are teaching the old couple we found the other week and they are progressing very nicely. Pablo came to conference and really liked it. So ya we are way excited for them.
OHHH!!!! I forgot to tell you, im staying in Ezeiza! President told me in interviews that hes going to split Ezeiza and send 2 more elders. So Elder Calderon and I are both staying; I'll get the north half and he will get the south half (the part with almost all our investigators, but thats ok...Ezeiza is so great we will find a bunch more in no time). We will be living in the same apartment which isnt exactly big but we have four beds so we are all going to be here. This is what president's main concern with spliting the area: 4 elders in an apartment can be hard with obedience and feeling the spirit, but I'm positive we will do great. I'm just worried about keeping it clean.
So ya hope you like the pics....there is lots of soccer from elder rices camera and then today from mine. I'll try to get more pics in white shirt and tie but I just always forget to take pics. I'll get better with that.
Love you guys so much
Elder Schupple
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