Ha wow! There is so much is going on at home. That's great stuff. This new week in Ezeiza has been a pretty difficult week for starters and it made me way sad cuz it was going so well before. And now that poor new elder Holladay is here it looks like he might not get any baptisms while he's with me. I cant stand the thought of that so ya this past week I think I have worked harder than I ever have in my mission. It's mostly because things started to go bad at the beginning of this week. We went over to our fechas house and she just told us she was not interested in listening to us anymore, after everything was going so well. So we talked a little and she was pretty set on not listening to us so I accepted it and set up a dinner where we would thank her for her time and make tacos for her and her family (Where she is going to change her mind about listening to us and after that we will find the husband which we haven't been able to do so far) So ya that's the plan of action as of now so we´ll see how that goes. Then the next day I got some very good news that I was going to do exchanges with ELDER JONES! (MTC companion and zone leader) Yay! We finally were going to get to teach together again! So we had a great day planned. However when we went to all of our citas everything fell through so we ended up just doing a whole lot of walking and contacting... but it was still way fun. During this time we found out that one of our other fechas picked up and left and we don't know where they are. So that was another bummer. We are pushing on tho so no worries because we have focused on the area and the work and are working really hard so the lord will bless our efforts. As of now or yesterday we found another family who we are teaching and they have quite a bit of potential so I am way excited for them. Elder Holladay is doing way good learning the language very fast and doing very well with his contacts. We did divisions the other day so that was a really good experience for him to go with a member to some citas. Other than that everything is going great. I am very excited to be with Elder Holladay because he has a great testimony and he is very smart so he is helping me and the work a lot.
I love you all hope everything is going great your in my prayers
elder schupple
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