Monday, May 31, 2010
5 min prep Sac mtg talk/ Argentina celebrates 200 yrs
I am so sorry to hear about Ashton, she is for sure in my prayers. and hey congrats on getting a new dog haha! [3 yr old Ashton had a lump the size of a cantelope removed from her abdomen this past week...she got a new puppy when she got home from her 3 day stay in the hospital]
First of all, sorry if this email is lacking a little, because the key board is terrible... the g´s get stuck and a couple other letters. I'm gunna try to go to a different place later on. But for now it'll just have to do. First of all an elder in my district who is from St George wants to know what part we are moving to. Second of all, did dads funding come in or no?
Ha! Yesterday we got to church and had our classes (we have classes before sac meeting) and when the second class ended the secretary in the area came up to me and asked me if I could give a 15 minutes talk in sac meeting. Sac mtg started in 5 mins and I was to be the first speaker. I said yes of course but I wasnt happy about it inside. I dont know if you guys remember how bad I was at giving talks at home but thats what I started thinking about when he asked me. As it turns out, I dont get as nervous anymore which is a big blessing. I gave a talk on trials, and used Mosiah 24 and D&C 121 and 122. It was a pretty good talk... kinda all over the place but not bad for only 5 mins of prep. So that was fun. As for this last week it was a rough one because Argentina celebrated its 200 aniversary, so there were a lot of drunks and crazy people.
Im gunna have to write you guys on a different computer this ones killing me.
elder schupple
First of all, sorry if this email is lacking a little, because the key board is terrible... the g´s get stuck and a couple other letters. I'm gunna try to go to a different place later on. But for now it'll just have to do. First of all an elder in my district who is from St George wants to know what part we are moving to. Second of all, did dads funding come in or no?
Ha! Yesterday we got to church and had our classes (we have classes before sac meeting) and when the second class ended the secretary in the area came up to me and asked me if I could give a 15 minutes talk in sac meeting. Sac mtg started in 5 mins and I was to be the first speaker. I said yes of course but I wasnt happy about it inside. I dont know if you guys remember how bad I was at giving talks at home but thats what I started thinking about when he asked me. As it turns out, I dont get as nervous anymore which is a big blessing. I gave a talk on trials, and used Mosiah 24 and D&C 121 and 122. It was a pretty good talk... kinda all over the place but not bad for only 5 mins of prep. So that was fun. As for this last week it was a rough one because Argentina celebrated its 200 aniversary, so there were a lot of drunks and crazy people.
Im gunna have to write you guys on a different computer this ones killing me.
elder schupple
Monday, May 24, 2010
Last conference with Pres Asay, Exchanges with Elder Steinkuler
First of all no, Ii dont think my comp needs a package... just a letter or dear elder would make his day.
As for this past week, it went by really fast and now we have good investigators that are progressing so its exciting. Im glad to hear everythings going good over there. Im very sorry to hear about toby, if you want you can just put him under right now. I thought you had done it a while ago cuz i hadnt heard anything about him for a while. Whatever you guys want to do tho.
This past week we had our final zone conference with president Asay. It was really sad. I'm going to miss him a lot, but luckily I'll only be here with the new president for a month and a half. Its good tho that way I can get to know the new president as well. Tell Jackie congrats for graduating seminary.... and holy cow Brad looks great! In his pics he looks a lot bigger near his shoulders which is great, can you still see the bone? haha
Im sorry I forgot my camera today, I even took pics of me and my comp. As for the weather here, its been getting really hot then really cold then rain then hot then cold again, its giving me another cough which is a bummer but its just a little one so it shouldnt take long to get over.
We also went on exchanges with the zone leaders this week. I got to go with Elder Steinkuler which was fun (we came together in case you dont remember but ya it was fun being able to see how much each of us has grown and how we teach, i enjoyed it a lot.)
I hope the move goes well you are all in my prayers, the church is true. Keep going on with a smile and trust that everything will be alright.
elder schuppleP.S. SWEET [about how many cousins and family members will be up in the Orem/Provo area] I love that! ha that will be so much fun, I am really happy about the decision about UVU. Elder Jones is pumped to do stuff together, along with Steve Kara and me. Its good stuff. I'm excited. Missi is going to be in college?????? and Amanda and Valerie???? What the junk?! I remember them being so small and now I might be dating girls their age.... wow
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Pics of last days in Platenos/ 21st B-day/Note from the Pres.
[A letter was received by Elder Schupple's family from President Asay this past week telling us that August 2nd 2010 will be Elder Schupple's release date. He also included a personal handwritten note on the letter that said, "There is not a more pleasant and easy to get along with missionary in the mission. Thank you!"]
Monday, May 17, 2010
Claypole and Elder Roy are great! / Pics of Gustavo&Jimena wedding & baptism!
We had a great week! :) The good news is that Claypole is a great area and we found a bunch of new investigators this past week. The ward is kind of small, only about 40 people come to church but the members are great and the bishop seems to be animated to work with us so these are good things. Other good news is that my companion actually isn't disobedient. I'm not sure why everyone told me he was but from all Ive seen so far hes pretty obedient and wants to be a good missionary.
The bad thing about the area is that elder Roy and his last comp kinda killed the area the last transfer. Meaning we have pretty much 0 investigators, which is a bummer. What happened was Elder Roy went up to senior comp last transfer and came to Claypole and his comp was an american that was really new and didnt understand spanish. So when elder Roy got here they didnt understand each other and the new elder hadn't really learned the area very well with his first companion so they were both kinda lost and all that jazz, so elder Roy did what he could do and started doing contacts and that's all they really did-- which isn't the most effective thing to do. So now we are here together and its going very well. We had a drunk guy invite us in the other day and ask us to say a prayer for his kids, so we did and got a return appointment for when he wouldn't be drunk.
So ya that's pretty much the area so far. Thank you so much for the packages... the peanut butter and chocolate got here without melting or spilling, so thanks a lot! I had a great birthday! Elder Velasquez is in my zone again and he made me Peruvian food and cake. So it was all around a good day.
Will you please wish Gpa Schupple a happy B-day for me and tell him thanks for the present.
This week I was thinking a lot about trials in that if we don't learn from the first one Heavenly Father will prob keep sending a similar one until we learn.
Thanks for all your love and prayers. I love you all.
Elder Schupple
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Departure AIRLINE INFO came in!
Departure from Buenos Aires,on Aug 2nd, 2010 @ 8:30pm arriving in Atlanta GA on Aug 3rd @ 6am. (Duration 10:30hrs)
Departure from Atlanta GA on Aug 3rd, 2010 @ 7:25am arriving in Chicago @ 8:25am
(Duration 2hrs)
13th Transfer to Claypole/Elder Roy new comp
Sorry the new computer here in Claypole doesnt let me send pics so I'll try to find another one. Arg! How frustrating but no worries... all is well.
Yesterday we went around saying goodbye to Platanos by going to the bishops house for lunch. We ate choripan. Then we went to call home for Mothers Day. Then we went to say goodbye to the Arocha family which was very sad. Jimena, Gustavo and Santino cried. I recorded a video of them saying goodbye to me and it was very nice. I'm excited to be able to send the pics but no worries ill try to send them next week.
I love you all and hope you know your in my prayers.
elder schupple[From the information from the Mothers Day call, Elder Schupple was transferred to Claypole...which is about 1 hour due west of Platanos . His new companion's name is Elder Roy...also a Latin...and they both will be senior companions, with Austin acting as District Leader again in this new area. With 2 transfers left in the mission--12 weeks--He was very sad to leave Platanos--one of his favorite areas of his mission. Elder Schupple's 21st birthday is happening this Friday the 14th of May! Happy Birthday!!!]
Monday, May 3, 2010
Arocha family getting married and baptized this week!/ Mothers Day call set up

About the time difference--Im really not sure what the difference is. I think its 2 or 3 hours. I'll probably call at about 5 o'clock Argentina time so that should be like 2 or 3 Chicago time.
This past week was pretty good. The poor lady that walked in on her husband having an affair did what we told her to do--she read and prayed and the next time we went over and she was doing a lot better. I dont know.... yes i do... the spirit helped her so much. Ya we got there and she made us tacos and was just doing amazing. It was a serious blessing.
This upcoming Thurs the Arocha family will be getting married then baptized on Friday and then the ward is throwing a surprise party after the baptism. Its just awesome. I love Platanos so much.
This past week was a rather difficult one because I got sick. It's funny tho because as we were doing contacts, people would stick their heads out of their windows and ask what we wanted...and then because I've got a cough/sore throat, when I'd try to respond back loudly, my voice would crack--it was funny...but difficult. Oh well it was another experience. But ya its going good.
Im really not sure who we could get to room with Brad and me at school... so sorry.
Youre all in my prayers. Thanks for your love, I'll talk to ya on Sunday :)
love you all
elder schuppleP.S. sorry the pics I just sent didn't open...I'll resend them next week. I looked up the time difference and it turns out that Chicago is 2 hours behind Buenos Aires, so at 5 my time it will be about 3 o'clock your time. My companion is going to call first so I don't know if it will be exactly that time but around 3 o'clock your time I'll be calling.
love you lots
I'll send the pics next time
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